
Monday, 22 June 2015

VLSI Question and Answers

1.List the advantages of SOI CMOS process
• Denser transistor structures are possible.
• Lower substrate capacitances
• No field inversion problem
• No latch up
• No body effect problem
• Enhanced radiation tolerance

2. Distinguish electrically alterable & non-electrically alterable ROM
In electrically alterable ROM the cell can be turned ON or OFF by controlling the voltages applied to the control gate, source and drain voltages. In non-electrically alterable ROM versions, the process can only be reversed by illuminating the gate with UV light.

3. How do you prevent latch up problem?
Latch up problem can be reduced by reducing the gain of parasitic transistors and resistors. It can be prevented in 2 ways
• Latch up resistant CMOS program
• Layout technique
The various lay out techniques are
Internal latch up prevention technique
I/O latch up prevention technique.

4.List the basic process for IC fabrication
_ Silicon wafer Preparation
_ Epitaxial Growth
_ Oxidation
_ Photolithography
_ Diffusion
_ Ion Implantation
_ Isolation technique
_ Metallization
_ Assembly processing & Packaging

5. What are the various Silicon wafer Preparation?
_ Crystal growth & doping
_ Ingot trimming & grinding
_ Ingot slicing
_ Wafer polishing & etching
_ Wafer cleaning.

6.Different types of oxidation?
Dry & Wet Oxidation

7.What are the advantages of CMOS process?
Low power Dissipation
High Packing density
Bi directional capability
Low Input Impedance
Low delay Sensitivity to load.

8.What is pull down device?
A device connected so as to pull the output voltage to the lower supply voltage usually 0V is called pull down device.
9.What is pull up device?
A device connected so as to pull the output voltage to the upper supply voltage usually
VDD is called pull up device.

10.. Why NMOS technology is preferred more than PMOS technology?
N- channel transistors has greater switching speed when compared tp PMOS transistors.

11. What are the different operating regions foe an MOS transistor?
_ Cutoff region
_ Non- Saturated Region
_ Saturated Region

12.What is Channel-length modulation?
The current between drain and source terminals is constant and independent of the applied voltage over the terminals. This is not entirely correct. The effective length of the conductive channel is actually modulated by the applied VDS, increasing VDS causes the depletion region at the drain junction to grow, reducing the length of the effective channel.

13. What is Latch – up?
Latch up is a condition in which the parasitic components give rise to the establishment of low resistance conducting paths between VDD and VSS with disastrous results. Careful control during fabrication is necessary to avoid this problem.

14.What is Stick Diagram?
It is used to convey information through the use of color code. Also it is the cartoon of a chip layout.

15.What are the uses of Stick diagram?
_ It can be drawn much easier and faster than a complex layout.
_ These are especially important tools for layout built from large cells.

16.Give the various color coding used in stick diagram?
_ Green – n-diffusion
_ Red- polysilicon
_ Blue –metal
_ Yellow- implant
_ Black-contact areas.

17.Define Threshold voltage in CMOS?
The Threshold voltage, VT for a MOS transistor can be defined as the voltage applied between the gate and the source of the MOS transistor below which the drain to source current, IDS effectively drops to zero.

18.What is Body effect?
The threshold volatge VT is not a constant w. r. to the voltage difference between the substrate and the source of MOS transistor. This effect is called substrate-bias effect or body effect.

19.What is LOCOS?
LOCOS mean Local Oxidation of Silicon. This is one type of oxide construction.

20. Compare between CMOS and bipolar technologies.
21.What are the various cmos technologies?
Various cmos technologies are,
I) n- well process or n -tub process
ii) p well process or p-tub process
iii) Twin tub process
iv) Silicon on Insulator (SOI) process

22.What is channel-stop implantation?
In n -well fabrication, n-well is protected with resist material. Because it should not be affected by boron implantation. Then boron is implanted except n-well. It is done using photo resist mask. This type of implantation is known as channel-stop implantation.

23.What is SWAMI?
SWAMI means Side Wall Masked Isolation. It is used to reduce bird’s beak effect.

24.What is LDD?
LDD means Lightly Doped Drain structures. It is used for implantation of n-in n-well process. T

25.What is twin tub process? Why it is so called?
Twin tub process is one of cmos technology. There are two wells available in this process. The other name of well is tub. so because of these two tubs, this process is known as twin tub process.

26.What are the special features of twin tub process?
In twin tub process, threshold voltages, body effect of n and p devices are independently optimized.

27.What are the advantages of twin tub process?
Advantages of twin tub process are
1) Separate optimized wells are available.
2) Balanced performance is obtained for n and p transistors.

28.What is SOI? What is the material used as insulator?
SOI means Silicon –On-Insulator. In this process, sapphire or sio2 is used as insulator.

29.What are the various etching processes used in SOI process?
Various etching process used in SOI are,
1) Isotropic etching process
2) Anisotropic etching process
3) Preferential etching process

30.What are the advantages and disadvantages of SOI process?
Advantages of SOI process
There is no well formation in this process
There is no field –Inversion problem.
There is no body effect problem.
Disadvantages of SOI process
It is very difficult to protect inputs in this process.
Device gain is low.
The coupling capacitance between wires always exists.

31.What is silicide?
The combination of Silicon and tantalum is known as Silicide. It is used as gate materials in polysilicon interconnect.

32. Compare nMOS and pMOS devices
A section of p-type separating 2 n-type silicon A section of n-type separating 2 p type silicon
Turns ON with the gate at logic 1 Turns ON with the gate at logic 0
Majority carriers are electrons Majority carriers are holes
Good transmission of logic 0 Good transmission of logic 1

33. Compare enhancement and depletion mode devices
In n-type enhancement MOS a narrow region of p-type substrate is covered by a layer of SiO2. In n-type depletion substrate a lightly doped n-region is diffused between the two heavily doped source and drain.

34. Which MOS can pass logic1 and logic 0 stongly?
p-mos can pass strong logic 1
n-mos can pass strong logic 0.

35. What is meant by a transmission gate?
A transmission gate consists of an n-channel transistor and p-channel transistor with separate gates and common source and drain. Its symbol is

36.Define Rise time
Rise time, tr is the time taken for a waveform to rise from 10% to 90% of its steady-state value.

37. Define Fall time
Fall time, f is the time taken for a waveform to fall from 90% to 10% of its steady-state value.

38. Define Delay time
Delay time, d is the time difference between input transition (50%) and the 50% output
level. This is the time taken for a logic transition to pass from input to output

39.Define noise margin.
The parameter which gives the quantitative measure of how stable the inputs are with respect to coupled electromagnetic signal interference.
NML = Vil-Vol
NMH = Voh-Vih

40.Define rise time and fall time
Rise time is defined as the time for a waveform to rise from 10% to 90% of its steady-state value.
Fall time is defined as the time for a waveform to fall from 90% to 10% of its steady state value.
41. What is meant by continuous assignment statement in verilog HDL?
A continuous assignment assigns a value to a net. The syntax is assign_LHS target = RHS _ expression;
Ex: assign Z = (A I B) ;
42. What is a task in verilog?
A task is like a procedure, it provides the ability to execute common pieces of code from several different places in a description
43.Mention few data types in Verilog
Nets, registers, vectors, numbers and arrays
44.Mention the four key words used for looping in verilog
while, for, repeat, forever
45.Give the basic difference between tasks and functions.
Functions always return a single value. They cannot have output or in-out arguments. Tasks don’t return a value, but can pass multiple values through output and inout arguments.
46.Specify the operator which have highest and lowest precedence.
Unary operator – highest precedence
Conditional operator – lowest precedence
47.what are bit wise operators in verilog?
Bit wise operators are,
׀ – binary or
~ – Unary negation
^ – Exclusive –or
~ ^ – Exclusive –nor
& – and
48.Give the examples for procedural statement.
Loop statement , Wait statement
Conditional statement, Case statement
49.In behavioral modeling specify the two most basic statements.
Initial and always statements
50.Blocking and non-blocking statements differ in executing the statements . How?
Blocking statements are executed in the order in which they are specified in a sequential block. “= “is the operator used to specify blocking assignments.
Non blocking statements allow scheduling of assignments without blocking execution of the statement that follow in a sequential block. “<=” is the operator used to specify non blocking assignment.
51.Specify the three method of timing control.
Delay based timing control
Event based timing control
Level sensitive timing control
52. What are the various modeling used in Verilog?
1. Gate-level modeling
2. Data-flow modeling
3. Switch-level modeling
4. Behavioral modeling
53. What is the structural gate-level modeling?
Structural modeling describes a digital logic networks in terms of the components that make up the system. Gate-level modeling is based on using primitive logic gates and specifying how they are wired together.
54.What is Switch-level modeling?
Verilog allows switch-level modeling that is based on the behavior of MOSFETs.Digital circuits at the MOS-transistor level are described using the MOSFET switches.
55. What are identifiers?
Identifiers are names of modules, variables and other objects that we can
reference in the design. Identifiers consists of upper and lower case letters, digits
0 through 9, the underscore character(_) and the dollar sign($). It must be a single
group of characters.
Examples: A014, a ,b, in_o, s_out
56. What are the value sets in Verilog?
Verilog supports four levels for the values needed to describe hardware referred to as value sets.
57.Value levels Condition in hardware circuits
0 Logic zero, false condition
1 Logic one, true condition
X Unknown logic value
Z High impedance, floating state
58. Give the classifications of timing control?
Methods of timing control:
1. Delay-based timing control
2. Event-based timing control
3. Level-sensitive timing control
Types of delay-based timing control:
1. Regular delay control
2. Intra-assignment delay control
3. Zero delay control
Types of event-based timing control:
1. Regular event control
2. Named event control
3. Event OR control
4. Level-sensitive timing control
59. Give the different arithmetic operators?
Operator symbol Operation performed Number of operands
* Multiply Two
/ Divide Two
+ Add Two
– Subtract Two
% Modulus Two
** Power (exponent) Two
60.. Give the different bitwise operators.
Operator symbol Operation performed Number of operands
~ Bitwise negation One
& Bitwise and Two
| Bitwise or Two
^ Bitwise xor Two
^~ or ~^ Bitwise xnor Two
~& Bitwise nand Two
~| Bitwise nor Two
61. What are gate primitives?
Verilog supports basic logic gates as predefined primitives. Primitive logic
function keyword provide the basics for structural modeling at gate level. These
primitives are instantiated like modules except that they are predefined in verilog
and do not need a module definition. The important operations are and, nand, or,
xor, xnor, and buf(non-inverting drive buffer).
62. Give the two blocks in behavioral modeling.
1. An initial block executes once in the simulation and is used to set up
initial conditions and step-by-step data flow
2. An always block executes in a loop and repeats during the simulation.
63. What are the types of conditional statements?
1. No else statement
Syntax : if ( [expression] ) true – statement;
2. One else statement
Syntax : if ( [expression] ) true – statement;
else false-statement;
3. Nested if-else-if
Syntax : if ( [expression1] ) true statement 1;
else if ( [expression2] ) true-statement 2;
else if ( [expression3] ) true-statement 3;
else default-statement;
The [expression] is evaluated. If it is true (1 or a non-zero value) true-statement is
executed. If it is false (zero) or ambiguous (x), the false-statement is executed.
64. Name the types of ports in Verilog
Types of port Keyword
Input port Input
Output port Output
Bidirectional port inout
65. What are the types of procedural assignments?
1. Blocking assignment
2. Non-blocking assignment

Friday, 10 April 2015

Different types of Physical Cells

Tap Cells (Well Taps): These library cells connect the power and ground connections to the substrate and n­wells, respectively. 
By placing well taps at regular intervals throughout the design, the n­well potential is held constant for proper electrical functioning. The placer places the cells in accordance to the specified distances and automatically snaps them to legal positions (which are the core sites).

Tie Cells : Tie-high and Tie-Low cells are used to connect the gate of the transistor to either power or ground. In Lower technology nodes, if the gate is connected to power/ground the transistor might be turned on/off due to power or ground bounce. These cells are part of standard-cell library. The cells which require Vdd (Typically constant signals tied to 1) connect to Tie high cells The cells which require Vss/Gnd (Typically constant signals tied to 0) connect to Tie Low cells

End Cap Cells : These library cells do not have signal connectivity. They connect only to the power and ground rails once power rails are created in the design. They also ensure that gaps do not occur between the well and implant layers. This prevents DRC violations by satisfying well tie­off requirements for the core rows. Each end of the core row, left and right, can have only one end cap cell specified. 

However, you can specify a list of different end caps for inserting horizontal end cap lines, which terminate the top and bottom boundaries of objects such as macros. A core row can be fragmented (contains gaps), since rows do not intersect objects such as power domains. For this, the tool places end cap cells on both ends of the unfragmented segment.

DeCap Cells : cells are temporary capacitors added in the design between power and ground rails to counter functional failures due to dynamic IR drop.Dynamic I.R. drop happens at the active edge of the clock at which a high percentage of Sequential and Digital elements switch.Due to this simultaneous switching a high current is drawn from the power grid for a small duration.If the power source is far away from a flop the chances are that this flop can go into a metastable state due to IR Drop.To overcome this decaps are added. At an active edge of clock when the current requirement is high , these decaps discharge and provide boost to the power grid. One caveat in usage of decaps is that these add to leakage current. De caps are placed as fillers. The closer they are to the flop’s sequential elements, the better it is. 

Decap cells are typically poly gate transistors where source and drain are connected to the ground rail, and the gate is connected to the power rail. 

when there is an instantaneous switching activity the charge required moves from intrinsic and extrinsic local charge reservoirs as oppose to voltage sources. Extrinsic capacitances are decap cells placed in the design. Intrinsic capacitances are those present naturally in the circuit, such as the grid capacitance, the variable capacitance inside nearby logic, and the neighborhood loading capacitance exposed when the P or N channel are open. 

One drawback of decap cells is that they are very leaky, so the more decap cells the more leakage. Another drawback, which many designers ignore, is the interaction of the decap cells with the package RLC network. Since the die is essentially a capacitor with very small R and L, and the package is a hug RL network, the more decap cells placed the more chance of tuning the circuit into its resonance frequency. That would be trouble, since both VDD and GND will be oscillating. I have seen designs fail because of this Designers typically place decap cells near high activity clock buffers, but I recommend a decap optimization flow where tools study charge requirements at every moment in time and figure out how much decap to place at any node. This should be done while taking package models into account to ensure resonance frequency is not hit

Cells required for Multi-Voltage Design

Special cells are required for implementing a Multi-Voltage design.

1. Level Shifter

2. Isolation Cell

3. Enable Level Shifter

4. Retention Flops

5. Always ON cells

6. Power Gating Switches/MTCMOS switch

Level Shifter: Purpose of this cell is to shift the voltage from low to high as well as high to low. Generally buffer type and Latch type level shifters are available. In general H2L LS's are very simple whereas L2H LS's are little complex and are in general larger in size(double height) and have 2 power pins. There are some placement restrictions for L2H level shifter to handle noise levels in the design. Level shifters are typically used to convert signal levels and protect against sneak leakage paths. With great care, level shifters can be avoided in some cases, but this will become less practicable on a wider scale.

Isolation Cell: These are special cells required at the interface between blocks which are shut-down and always on. They clamp the output node to a known voltage. These cells needs to be placed in an 'always on' region only and the enable signal of the isolation cell needs to be 'always_on'. In a nut-shell, an isolation cell is necessary to isolate floating inputs.

There are 2 types of isolation cells (a) Retain "0″ (b) Retain "1″

Enable Level Shifter: This cell is a combination of a Level Shifter and a Isolation cell.

Retention Flops: These cells are special flops with multiple power supply. They are typically used as a shadow register to retain its value even if the block in which its residing is shut-down. All the paths leading to this register need to be 'always_on' and hence special care must be taken to synthesize/place/route them. In a nut-shell, "When design blocks are switched off for sleep mode, data in all flip-flops contained within the block will be lost. If the designer desires to retain state, retention flip-flops must be used".

The retention flop has the same structure as a standard master-slave flop. However, the retention flop has a balloon latch that is connected to true-Vdd. With the proper series of control signals before sleep, the data in the flop can be written into the balloon latch. Similarly, when the block comes out of sleep, the data can be written back into the flip-flop.

Always ON cells: Generally these are buffers, that remain always powered irrespective of where they are placed. They can be either special cells or regular buffers. If special cells are used, they have thier own secondary power supply and hence can be placed any where in the design. Using regular buffers as Always ON cells restricts the placement of these cells in a specific region.

In a nut-shell, "If data needs to be routed through or from sleep blocks to active blocks and If the routing distance is excessively long or the driving load is excessively large, then buffers might be needed to drive the nets. In these cases, the always-on buffers can be used."

Power Gating Switches/MTCMOS Switch: MTCMOS stands for multi-threshold CMOS, where low-Vt gates are used for speed, and high-Vt gates are used for low leakage. By using high-Vt transistors as header switches, blocks of cells can be switched off to sleep-mode, such that leakage power is greatly reduced. MTCMOS switches can be implemented in various different ways. First, they can be implemented as PMOS (header) or NMOS (footer) switches. Secondly, their granularity can be implemented on a cell-level (fine-grain) or on a block-level (coarse-grain). That is, the switches can be either built into every standard cell, or they can be used to switch off a large design block of standard cells.

Hope this will help you.

Thanks :)

Sample SoC Encounter log File

#                                                     #
#  Encounter Command Logging File                     #
#  Created on Tue Apr 26 14:29:12 2011                #
#                                                     #

#@(#)CDS: Encounter v09.11-s084_1 (32bit) 04/26/2010 12:41 (Linux 2.6)
#@(#)CDS: NanoRoute v09.11-s008 NR100226-1806/USR63-UB (database version 2.30, 93.1.1) {superthreading v1.14}
#@(#)CDS: CeltIC v09.11-s011_1 (32bit) 03/04/2010 09:23:40 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELsmp)
#@(#)CDS: CTE 09.11-s016_1 (32bit) Apr  8 2010 03:34:50 (Linux 2.6.9-78.0.25.ELsmp)
#@(#)CDS: CPE v09.11-s023

loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
selectInst U23
loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
panPage 0 1
panPage 0 -1
panPage 1 0
panPage -1 0
loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
selectInst U14
loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
selectInst U17
selectInst U16
selectInst U3
selectInst U23
selectInst U3
selectInst U15
selectInst U3
selectInst U15
selectInst U1
selectInst U2
loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
loadConfig ./encounter.conf
floorPlan -r 1.0 0.6 50 50 50 50
addRing -spacing_bottom 9.9 -width_left 9.9 -width_bottom 9.9 -width_top 9.9 -spacing_top 9.9 -layer_bottom metal1 -width_right 9.9 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal1 -spacing_right 9.9 -spacing_left 9.9 -layer_right metal2 -layer_left metal2 -offset_top 9.9 -offset_bottom 9.9 -offset_left 9.9 -offset_right 9.9 -nets { gnd vdd }
setPlaceMode -congEffort medium
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt
sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings
timeDesign -preCTS
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -preCTS -drv
createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
specifyClockTree -file encounter.cts
ckSynthesis -rguide cts.rguide -report report.ctsrpt -macromodel report.ctsmdl -fix_added_buffers
timeDesign -postCTS
setExtractRCMode -default -assumeMetFill
extractRC -outfile encounter.cap
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -highEffort
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -noSimplifyNetlist
optDesign -postCTS -hold
optDesign -postCTS -drv
reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt
addFiller -cell FILL
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -all -override
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -all -override
setExtractRCMode -engine detail -reduce 0.0
setOptMode -yieldEffort none
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.95
setOptMode -drcMargin 0.0
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.0 -setupTargetSlack 0.0
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
optDesign -postRoute -incr
addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FIL -fillBoundary
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50
streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -outputMacros -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v
rcOut -spf final.dspf
selectInst U23
selectInst U3
selectInst U14
selectInst U22
selectInst U20
selectInst U22
selectInst U21
selectInst U20
selectInst U3